Our School

  • Welcome to Johnson Elementary School!

     Our school serves over 600 students in 3rd through 5th Grade.  Our Specials classes include PE, Technology, and Counseling. Students at Johnson have the opportunity to participate in various extra-curricular activities, such as: Newcomb, Science Olympiad, National Honor Society, Robotics, Girls Who Code, & Choir.  All of our teachers at JES are highly qualified and are involved in various professional development learning communities to support their learning and the learning of our students. Johnson Elementary is a PBIS school. PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Intervention Supports and we focus on school-wide procedures and expectations. We have expectations for the classroom, hallway, restroom, cafeteria, and gym.

    We expect our students to exhibit D.R.E.A.M. behaviors:

                                        D - Do the Right Thing

                                        R - Respect Yourself & Others

                                        E - Encourage Everyone

                                        A - Accept Responsibility

                                        M - Make Safe Choices




Exterior of JES