Drama Club



Degrees and Certifications:

Drama Club

The Drama Club is an after-school club where students come together to learn the basics of acting (at an elementary level).  Some of the acting qualities that students learn to perfect include voice projecting, chunking of lines, stage directions, character development, and body language.  The culminating project at the end of the first semester is the production of a play for our student body and PTA.  During the second semester, students focus on memorizing monologues and duets, learning solo and duet musical selections from Broadway, as well as excerpts written in the format of Poetry Alive.  Students are then encouraged to perform their pieces at the Vic Fichtner Elementary Drama Festival in the spring.  The students who participate in the festival are given feedback based on a predetermined set of acting/drama qualities.  Students have the opportunity to perform their individual pieces for their parents and teachers during the second semester of the school year.